On Saturday December 13, 2014 members of the Knights of Columbus including Council # 420 along with hundreds of other veterans and other organizations placed over 4,400 Christmas wreaths on the headstones of the veterans buried in the Bourne National Cemetery. Our council ensured a wreath was placed on the cemetery plot of a young parishioner of St. Mary's Parish, Corey Michael Shea, who was "Killed In Action" in Mosul, Iraq on November 12, 2008. His headstone and the wreath are shown above.
On Sunday 12/7/14 a group on Knights and family members lead by Deacon Gary Porter held a wreath laying and wreath blessing ceremony at the Crucifixion Monument at St Mary's Cemetery.
Congratulations and welcome to Jim Unger who made his 1st & 2nd Degree on Tuesday 12/2/14. In the photo, left to right, are Tom Hughes, PGK and Jim's sponsor, Jim Unger and Grand Knigtht Bruce Gaumond.