On Saturday 4/30/16 a group of 8 Knights from Council # 420 plus a Brother's son participated in the Annual Great American Clean-Up of Mansfield. We removed trash on Pratt Street (Rte 106) from St. Mary's Church to St. Mary's Cemetery on both sides of the street. It has been remarkable how the amount of trash collected decreased from year to year. Above from L to R are Brother Knights Chris Crowley, Charlie Spath, Matt Bensman, Cameron Symonds and his son Matthew, DGK Chris Goldner, Brian Healy, John Flinn and Matt Ziniti council member and our KofC Insurance Representative.
The KofC Council #420 wishes to welcome our newest Brother Knight Tom Smith to our council. Tom completed both his Admission Degree as well as his Formation Degree on Tuesday 4/26 down at Council # 223 in Middleboro-Lakeville. So the next time you see Tom congratulate him and welcome him to our council. He expects to be at our next council meeting on Monday 5/9