Please welcome our newest member, Dave Nelson, when you see him for Dave completed his KofC Admission & Formation Degrees on Tuesday 5/28 down in Middleboro-Lakeville Council # 223 and becomes our newest member. Welcome aboard Dave ! Below is a photo of Dave (on the right) being handed his Admission Certificate by Grand Knight Chris Herrick (on the left).
On Wednesday May 22nd members of the George C. Shields Council 420 gathered at the Crucifix Monument area of St. Mary's Cemetery to spruce it up prior to the Memorial Day Holiday. Below are photos of all the Brothers and their children who assisted in this annual event. Thank you to Bob Kasiski for again chairing this event this year.
Congratulations to "Sir" Robert Cappelletti on Completing his 4th (Patriot) Degree Exemplification5/18/2019 On Saturday May 18th at the Hanscom Air Force Base Brother Robert Cappelletti became "Sir" Robert Cappelletti when he attended and completed his 4th (Patriot) Degree along with 69 other Knights from around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the photo below, taken at the Exemplification, L to R is Robert Cappelletti and DD & PFN Charlie Spath.
On May 13th, just before our Monthly Council Meeting, The George C. Shields Council # 420 Awarded the Spath Family the Council Family of the Year Award and recognized them for winning the Massachusetts State KofC Family of the Year Award. In the photo below from L to R is PGK Charlie Spath, his daughter Kristin Spath and her fiancé Craig Gordon.
On May 13th just before our Monthly Council Meeting The George C. Shields Council # 420 Awarded the 2019 Council's Scholarships to High School Seniors Grace Dizon from Bishop Feehan HS and Margaret Danehy from Mansfield HS. Their photos are below.
Two Council 420 members Are Awarded the Shinning Knight Award by the State Advocate Bob Schwarz5/13/2019 On May 13th just before our Monthly Council Meeting the State Advocate Bob Schwarz came to St. Mary's in Mansfield to award Dan Dulaski and Scott Handren the prestigious Shinning Knight Award because they completed the five tasks needed as new KofC members to achieve this award. Congratulations Dan and Scott and thank you State Advocate Bob Schwarz for presenting them this award.
This weekend at the Annual Massachusetts State KofC Convention the George C. Shields Council 420 was presented with a number of awards. Under the Programs Award, we were presented the Life Award for our support of the Cultural of Life activities within our community. We also received the Percentage Membership Gain Award for achieving 112.5% of our membership goal. In addition, DD & PGK Charlie Spath and his family received the Family of the Year Award. Congratulations to GK Chris Herrick and his council members ! Below are photos from this weekend's awards. At the 2019 KofC State Convention in Bedford, MA along with his fellow 3rd year DDs, our PGK and current District Deputy Chuck McPherson was elected to represent the the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the Supreme KofC Convention in Minneapolis, MN. In the photo below on the extreme left is Chuck along with his fellow 3rd year DDs at the convention. The other photo is Chuck and fellow DD Charlie Spath relaxing in Chuck's "Kentucky Derby" (hence all the hats) Hospitality Room at the State Convention on May 4-5th.